Raising a child with Down Syndrome: Here are 6 helpful tips

UPSC Practice recommends Raising a child with Down Syndrome: Here are 6 helpful tips. Raising a child with Down syndrome (DS) can be challenging and it is not uncommon for parents to undergo feelings of anxiety and fear. Higher chances of health complications, such as congenital heart defects, immunity… Courtesy: Times of India Opinion LearnContinue reading “Raising a child with Down Syndrome: Here are 6 helpful tips”

Time to overhaul the approach to global health

UPSC Practice recommends Time to overhaul the approach to global health. Global health has been a terminology widely used, but seldom taken seriously when it comes to addressing health equity as a sustainable goal. Low- and Middle-Income Countries are hardest hit when it comes to addressing… Courtesy: Times of India Opinion Learn more

Ethanol production

UPSC Practice recommends Ethanol production. Part of: Prelims and GS III – Environment; Agriculture  Context Almost two million tonnes (MT) of sugar were diverted for ethanol production during the last sugar season (October 2020 to September 2021). About Ethanol and its production  Ethanol can be produced from sugarcane, maize, wheat, etc which are having highContinue reading “Ethanol production”